Upcoming short course entitled “Introductory R” at The Wildlife Society annual meeting in Albuquerque, New Mexico

This workshop, aimed at new R users, provides an introduction to object manipulation, data visualization and analysis, and basic programming in R. The R computing environment is a free, flexible, and open-source tool for data management, visualization, and analysis. We will cover a broad spectrum of topics including: how to import and export data, data types and object classes, simple R functions for querying, summarizing, plotting, and analyzing data, exploring spatial data, basic programming (e.g., for loops, writing R functions), and how to find and use R help resources. No prior experience with R is necessary, but participants should be comfortable with introductory statistics. The workshop will alternate between interactive instruction and guided exercises where participants will implement their new skills. Participants should bring their own laptop and have recent versions of R and RStudio installed prior to the workshop.

Co-taught with Drs. Frances Buderman and Brittany Mosher

By Perry Williams

Assistant Professor of Statistical Ecology at University of Nevada, Reno

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